SCADA Central


Construcciones y Prestaciones Petroleras CPP

Scope of the project

Important figures

IOs number: 10.000 Tags
HMI Tags number: 10.000
HMI Clients number: 12 Clients HMI/ 10 Operator panels
HMI display number: 240
Device number: 58

Implemented funcionalities

Control Historian
Alarms and events

Profit / Results

  • Monitoring and control of the factory in real time of all the substations Bq 57. Petroamazonas EP.
  • Through the historian, it has the posibility of organized or to plan preventive maintenance of the equipment related to the process.

Project designer

Jonathan Córdova - Project Engineer

Project Description

SCADA Central

The project aims to design a SCADA control and monitoring system that allows immediate and real-time action of all the substations that make up the Shushufindi Block 57 Field of Petroamazonas EP. There are currently 5 main substations:

  • Southwest Station (SOP)
  • South Station (SSP)
  • Central Station (SCP)
  • North Station (SNP)
  • Aguarico Station (AGP)
    which are geographically separated along the Amazon Block. The system has action on Transfer and Reinjection Pumps, Production Separators, Water Plants, and additionally remote monitoring of injector wells belonging to the different substations.